Sunday, September 18, 2011

You, me and WinRT

I went to Tech.Ed Au for the first time this year and I learnt a bit, but mostly I got two things from it. A red, flashy, bouncy ball and a silver usb race car. Now I just want you to concentrate on the red, flashy, bouncy ball.. You're still thinking the race car, aren't you? And this was the problem for me with //build/

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

So, for me, the slide that everybody points to is the techno stack, the green side and the off colour blue side. But we were only supposed to concentrate on the green side. And now we have a problem, we are hypothesizing about that off colour blue side, why is it an off colour, is it dying?

If you look at WinRT, you saw a pretty slick looking tablet interface. Tablet?! This is windows 8, the future.. Yes, dex, for some of us, it is. Downloading the dev preview you quickly notice, that with a mouse, this is probably not going to be rainbows and unicorns - even with a gesture mouse.

So, nothing is dying, this is just an attempt to show people WinRT and that's why the tablet stuff is glued to the start button, not saying that it wont on tablets, but in a previous post, some guy said, the metro interface will be downloadable, just like any app.

For me the techno stack slide should have been just the green side, and it would have, if it wasn't for, the gangs of .net.

These are the guys who attended the event looking for blood, looking for, traces of dead stuff. If you really look hard, nothing is dead, or dying, its a pretty happy tablet world, where everybody is on equal footing, even web guys and c++'ers. But blood was found, because of the push for the green side. Does that mean I am dead, they replied, .net, every other way to do things?

Look, I know vampires are pretty popular at the moment, and dead things, and blood is cool, but I want you to know, windows is better than that. Now go play with this red flashy ball for the rest of this post, fetch..

The biggest hint at the new world in the dev preview, is that c++ is in on the party, it too, is on equal footing and has the Xaml interface. Think about this for a second why, this language, the performance maestro. Why is he here in WinRT? Well its a preview, I think, a way to show that you'll be able to build any type of executable, using the new, core, Xaml interface, metro or otherwise.
Now go download the developer preview and play with WinRT, learn it, love it. Because you'll be able to use the same Xaml stuff outside of metro, as the new interface builder for windows. (I, think)

One more thing, if you read another post about this subject, take some garlic with you, because vampires suck.

Peace out..